

I borrowed this phrase from the recently deceased Canadian painter Robert Genn who believed that there is only so much we can learn about how to paint from the many fine instructors and resources available today. The true learning comes from going off on our own and just doing it - Go to your room!

I have had the good fortune to take instruction from outstanding artists in Canada and the USA. I continue to work on my own development ( Going to MY room!) . I share, through this blog and workshops, what I have learned and what others have shared with me.

I created this blog primarily for those attending my workshops to keep in touch and to further share as we grow together. If others are interested in following that would be great.

Enjoy the journey.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Well that was fun! Opus Store Demo.

Did the demo at Opus Framing and Art Supply in Victoria today. Well organized and great fun. Was surprised by the turnout - a keen group with great questions. Hopefully they got something from the approach - but I am afraid the short demo ended at the "stinker"  stage - and would like to think those present understood that it could be rescued from that stage to an interesting final finish.

Cathy and I came down to Victoria for the weekend. Beautiful RV park  at West Bay Marina - right in the heart of Victoria. Enjoyed the beautiful seawalk into town and the wonderful scenery.

Beautiful Victoria SeaWalk 

Victoria Harbour - ferry to Seattle arriving - our RV park in the distance, seawalk on the right 

Victoria from our RV 
Thanks Opus and thanks to those that attended.


  1. So enjoyed your demo, Brian, and meeting you. Lots of good information and helpful advice. And, yes, I think all attending understood the demo painting was one of the "starts" you do, as a beginning to developing it more i.e., not the "stinker" you note. :-) It was a thoroughly enjoyable session. Thank you for your generous spirit in sharing your techniques. So appreciated!


Thanks for your feedback.