I spent the past weekend in Whistler. Canadian Thanksgiving
and a beautiful place to spend it. Weather perfect.
My art plan for the weekend was to do a one-day acrylic demo in the White Dog
Studio Gallery and to do as much plein air as my wife would allow. So I decided to put my self to the test – of time. I often get the chance to do quick studies –
an hour or less – but usually feel that it is not worth the effort so I generally don't bother. So I decided that for the
weekend any plein air would be ONE HOUR
MAX – from set up to take down – oil or acrylic. A test of me and the efficiency of my setups.
Acrylic Demo White Dog Gallery Studio.
White Dog is a new gallery in Whistler and I am very pleased
to be represented there. It is full of energy and represents artists I am proud
to hang alongside.
I did two acrylic demos – total time 3 hours. I keep coming back to time taken because I
really want to push myself to improve my
efficiency. I can always add finishing
touches as required later.
Initial lay in 12x16 on acrylic primed linen |
Got a bit carried away with colour - again |
Second demo set up on Coulter Art Box Standard Size with StaWet palette on left holding heavy viscosity paint , glass palette in middle for mixing, Golden and Liquitex fluid acrylics on right |
Plein Air Sketchs
I painted three mornings and one midday.
Each morning I was at the site just after sun
up – about 7:30, the mornings were beautiful with no wind and a clear sky – but
COLD – from 3to 5 C. I “ suffer” from Raynauds Syndrome– a nuisance disorder
that causes me to not be able to use my hands in cold weather so I was worried –
but gloved up and it worked OK because there was no wind – another reason to push myself for time.
Oil set up ; mid size Coulter Art box, 6x8 acrylic primed linen |
Started with good intentions of a careful sketch |
Cold got the best of me and I grabbed my palette knife and went wild |
Two Green Lake Mornings
First morning oil - WS |
The hour went from almost dark to intense early light - a real challenge to hold onto |
Again grabbed the palette knife to finish up quickly |
Second day acrylics. Because it was COLD the acrylics were not drying to I started two and staggered them hoping that time would let them dry - but no luck. And I HATE working with acrylics that are not drying quickly as I am a layer painter. So the day was a challenge and the sketches showed it. Total time for the two was 1.5 hrs. I was so cold I could not have finished them on site.
Quick outline using blue china marker on linen |
Previous acrylic underpainting |
Juggling two |
The mid day was in Whistler Village, my wife and daughter
wanted to continue to hit the stores and I had had enough so said they gave me
a hour to meet them back at the car. So by the time I got to the site – a beautiful
fall stream – I had only 40 minutes to setup, paint and clean up. Normally I
would not have bothered but I really
wanted to test myself again.
This one I really enjoyed. The mid day was warm and the site beautiful.
Oil on acrylic primed linen - bit of palette knife in the foreground 8x10 |
A great weekend and it was fun to push myself - product suffers but all a part of progressing. I am VERY happy with the Coulter Art Box systems for both the oil and acrylics - fast setup and easy to work with.