

I borrowed this phrase from the recently deceased Canadian painter Robert Genn who believed that there is only so much we can learn about how to paint from the many fine instructors and resources available today. The true learning comes from going off on our own and just doing it - Go to your room!

I have had the good fortune to take instruction from outstanding artists in Canada and the USA. I continue to work on my own development ( Going to MY room!) . I share, through this blog and workshops, what I have learned and what others have shared with me.

I created this blog primarily for those attending my workshops to keep in touch and to further share as we grow together. If others are interested in following that would be great.

Enjoy the journey.

Saturday 21 April 2012


There are still a few spots open in Preparing for Plein Air workshop April 28, 29 at the Campebell River Art Gallery, Campbell River.  Price $250 - includes lunches. 

Most artists new to plein air painting are  overwhelmed by the challenge of  painting on location.  For the first few years, plein air painting is more about good planning and developing good habits than it is about applying the paint.

This workshop will be two days INDOORS. We will discuss equipment and supplies used for  plein air in oils and acrylics. We will cover  the key elements of planning and selecting composition for plein air.  We  will  practice the habits used by the best plein air painters including simple methods to create value thumbnail sketches to create a variety of simple and effective compositional choices. 

We will then move onto  painting  "on location": planning, subject selection, simplification and effective compositions from projected images creating small "plein air"  paintings in either oils (water-soluble or odourless solvent) or acrylics.  I will be demonstrating in both oils (water soluble) and acrylics. Weather permitting we will take out sketch books outside to do compositional sketches. 

If interested contact me directly ( or the Campbell River Art Gallery Shannon Proctor-McLeod Acting Curator  250 287-2261

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