I have often painted oil and acrylics on black gesso grounds. Particularly on small pieces I enjoy working out from "the darkness". Almost feels like sculpting.
Was about to order more black gesso when Opus Framing and Art Supplies (Vancouver) put Liquatex Burnt Umber Gesso on a greatly reduced price. So I thought I would give it a try and would use it on enough starts to really get the feel for it. All are acrylics, mostly 11x14 on linen or cotton canvas.
Burnt Umber ground - drawing with acrylic markers |
Filling large value shapes |
Carving negative spaces |
Almost finished 24x24 |
Sketch and early shapes |
Almost finished 11x14 - details needed on figures |
I really liked working on the warmer dark ground - as compared to the black. Each piece has a greater or lesser amount showing through and the warmth of the umber seems preferable to the cool black.
Enough small starts of different colour themes to feel comfortable working on this warm dark ground |
So now I want to try working with it on larger pieces.